Safeguarding at Liverpool Tennis Centre

Liverpool Tennis Centre is committed to prioritising the wellbeing of all children and adults at risk by always promoting safeguarding in our centre. This includes during all programmes, competitions and events we run.


Liverpool Tennis Centre's safeguarding policy strives to minimise risk, deliver a positive Tennis experience for everyone and respond appropriately to all safeguarding concerns and disclosures. 

Our coaches

Our Tennis coaches have LTA Coach Accreditation which means they have the required checks and training including:

  • A recognised qualification
  • Safeguarding training
  • First aid training
  • Criminal record check (DBS)

Events and competitions

When we host events at Liverpool Tennis Centre, we carry out full risk assessments to make sure we provide a safe and inclusive environment. Official photography may be carried out by an LTA approved photographer or videographer and event organisers will inform individuals in advance that photography and filming will be taking place (usually via online tournament entry terms and conditions). 

Outside of LTA competitions, photographs may be taken only with the express permission of the relevant players, or parents or legal guardians where players are under 18.

Reporting a concern

A safeguarding concern could involve an allegation of abuse or being worried that a child or adult at risk (as defined by the Care Act 2014) may be at risk of harm, or may have been harmed.

Safeguarding concerns at Liverpool Tennis Centre will be investigated by our Tennis Welfare Officer, Steve Johnson. If it is a low-level concern, it may be that we use the report for recording or information purposes, or provide advice or support for the matter to be dealt with locally.

Your concern will be treated in confidence and where we have a duty to refer certain matters to the police or local authority, we will do so with your consent where possible.

To contact Steve, our Tennis Welfare Officer, with any concerns email or call 07355 924789.

A full range of our policies are available at the Tennis Centre Reception.